Transformational Change
Big operational shifts often mean rethinking everything, including how you recruit and retain employees, ways to better engage stakeholders, and when to revamp tech systems.
People-Centric Innovations
Desire Street Ministries faced a shake-up when its third-party controller left the organization. But adhering to the articulated recruitment process, the nonprofit filled the position and the new controller turned out to be a perfect fit, elevating the organization’s financial management to new heights of efficiency.
Lighthouse Family Retreat created its first-ever human resources position, which revolutionized its onboarding process and showed employees they truly matter. The result? Improved levels of recruitment, retention, and morale, with employees feeling more valued and invested in the organization’s success.
Kidz2Leaders experienced rapid growth, expanding in one year from 30 to more than 70 participants. This expansion necessitated process changes, including recruiting and training of additional volunteers. While this success brought challenges, it also presented opportunities for organizational growth. In its new scope, the organization is thrilled to be helping more kids.
Smoke Rise Baptist Church is now serving a community that speaks 13 different languages. Its desire to be as inclusive as possible required the church to adopt new ways of engagement in its ministry. The leadership recognized and embraced the need for intentional learning, networking, and planning to effectively serve this diverse group, and the results have more than proven the worth of its operational changes.
One thing that Jesuit Tampa is mindful of is artificial intelligence and…incorporating it mindfully, ethically, and efficiently…it’s such an unknown. It appears that it can do some amazing, wonderful, very helpful, useful things…but [it] also can be used in a negative manner, [so] we want to be mindful of [that].
Nick Suszynski
Jesuit High School Tampa
Growth is always a good thing… How do we manage that growth? How do we steer and steward that growth so we can continue to be a healthy organization, even at a higher capacity?
Jason Pittman
PACT Ministry
We have honestly thrived on change in a very healthy way, as we constantly pivot to better serve our community and serve those who are coming to City of Refuge looking for help as we’ve expanded and added new programs. Fortunately, a lot of our staff thrive on change. Unfortunately, a lot of funders do not thrive on change…. [The Watkins Christian Foundation] believes change is crucial, especially in the nonprofit space, where we’re always pivoting to do a better job to serve those that we exist to serve.
Edward Phillips
City of Refuge